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 Zelda (Working Title)

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PostSubject: Zelda (Working Title)   Zelda (Working Title) Icon_minitimeSat Nov 03, 2007 5:08 pm

There have been many parodies and fan-films of this ground-breaking franchise so would it come as much of a surprise if we were working on our own Zelda Production? Many of the W.E.P team like and know all about Zelda so we know what we are doing. One major downside that may happen in this production is the fact it might look as though we are ripping off the major Zelda fan film Legend of Link.
Legend of Link was hugely sucessfull and made zelda actually look good in a film, many of the things we were/are thinking of may seem like we are ripping off ideas from the film considering they had covered all the highlights of zelda which makes this film 10 times harder to produce so every one would like it and feel as though it was new even if they had seen Legend of Link.

More details will be given over time but for now ill start with the story.

Our story is a rather wierd and different than what people would probably see/hear of from zelda. Firstly, in a timeline basis, it sets place after Ocarina of Time but before Majora's Mask which would make it seem there was another story in between the two games. So it starts straight away from when OOT freezes at the end. Zelda and Link know what Ganondorfs going to do in the future but Ganondorf Hasnt done anything bad yet so the two run straight to the king where Ganon is about to swear an alligence with the king. They tell the king what Ganon plans to do and Ganon panics, then all of a sudden he attacks the king and finshes him. Along with the other guards, He then sends a mental signall to his guards to attack from the outside. Naturally Link and Zelda attempt to fight back but fail miserably, Zelda then gets grabbed and held high, up to Ganon's face. Zelda then places a light of somesort into Ganon and he drops her and cries with pain. He then says to zelda: "i shant kill you now, i dont have enough strength to, therefore i banish you hundreds of years into the future!" and sets a spell on her. Zelda crys for Link but he only ends up being pushed back. Zelda then dissapears and Link is shocked. Ganon then says to Link: "and you shall go elsewhere you annoying little rat!" and sends Link somewhere else in hyrule. And Ganon then laughs evily as a bad guy normally would. It seems a bit extreme at first but it makes sense. When zelda is sent to the future her mind is wiped clean, this starts the pirate Tetra from Wind Waker but the main reason we only have her for a bit in the film is the fact we dont have that many female actors, we have one possible actor but she will only be ale to do a bit. Link then wakes up in a forest somewhere in hyrule field but he has is stripped of his equipment except for his shield, this is meant to be a sort of resemblance to the begining of Zelda 1 for the NES. Anyway after remembering what happened he the runs all the way to Hyrule Castle only to find out its run by Ganondorf. He then has no choice but to run back and gain power in some way, this is where all the main things happen in the film which will eventually end with a big battle scene on hyrule bridge! Very Happy exciting! One question that you may be asking is that is Zelda in any other part of the film other than the start? Well all il say for now is that she does appear again but we wont give any of it away just yet.

Me and Elite Guardian have been disscusing something about wether its going to be a serious film with no humor or a parody. It will be a healthy mix of both but EG doesnt seem to think it might go aswell but i think that humor is what keeps a film pure, without it its just dull, weve just got to make sure we dont make it more funnier than we need to, or it will come to the audience as a parody.

This is all ll say now but updates will regullary be given, either edited on this post or on a new post. so keep your eyes peeled.
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Location : in hyrule, WHERE ELSE!?

Zelda (Working Title) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zelda (Working Title)   Zelda (Working Title) Icon_minitimeSun Nov 25, 2007 3:26 pm

Jesus S*****! how much do you wanna write!?
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Hungry Hippo

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Zelda (Working Title) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zelda (Working Title)   Zelda (Working Title) Icon_minitimeSun Nov 25, 2007 4:31 pm

Any ideas on a name yet? I vote we call it somthing orignal like:
Legend of gandorwf (or how ever u spell it)
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Location : In a fridge, and I could use some help getting out...

Zelda (Working Title) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zelda (Working Title)   Zelda (Working Title) Icon_minitimeMon Nov 26, 2007 8:50 am

Link wrote:
Jesus S*****! how do you wanna write!?

Oh come'on its not that hard!
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Location : in hyrule, WHERE ELSE!?

Zelda (Working Title) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zelda (Working Title)   Zelda (Working Title) Icon_minitimeMon Nov 26, 2007 10:46 am

Well it is when ur playing Mario strikers charged ^^
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PostSubject: Re: Zelda (Working Title)   Zelda (Working Title) Icon_minitime

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