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 Chris Cooper Youtube Channel

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Posts : 163
Join date : 2007-10-31
Location : In a fridge, and I could use some help getting out...

Chris Cooper Youtube Channel Empty
PostSubject: Chris Cooper Youtube Channel   Chris Cooper Youtube Channel Icon_minitimeTue Oct 06, 2009 6:47 am

I do honestly think that Chris Cooper would be perfect for youtube. Youtube have loads of ranters that are either rly good or shocking... Chris is such a funny guy as well as having some of the most craziest rants so i think he would be absolutley perfect... Which is why im forcing him to make one xD im gunna give him some advice on the technical side of things, mostly camera shots, when to change the shot and any other bits we can add maybe stills and our trusty Hungry Hippo will be the editor. None of it will be scripted, it will all be off the top of chris's head. There will be times when i ask him to pause for a sec so the camera can move, we can easily cut that. Overall i think it would go down rly well and i think Chris would rly rly enjoy it Razz Very Happy
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