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Hungry Hippo

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PostSubject: Horse Training:   Horse Training: Icon_minitimeSat Feb 09, 2008 8:30 am

Ive spoken to Becky today, to see that-If we wanted it, she would be willing to train HE***. Ive showen her the BMB finnishs film trailer and also a photo of link attacking. She seems to think it will take just 5 weeks to train HE***. Unfortuantly though, we would need a horse and fields to train in (ST**** Razz).

On the editing side:
We can film on the farm (in a field?). We can then just cut, and rotoscope HE*** into blenheim if needed. But if its not ovbous with the original footage. then it doesnt matter we can keep that.

I think having a horse-~Weird at it sounds will give our film the extra little pro touch.

Also to note that she can do some galloping and as long as we get angles right, the audince wont know its her....
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PostSubject: Re: Horse Training:   Horse Training: Icon_minitimeSat Feb 09, 2008 1:53 pm

It will either go well or wrong and i think it will go wrong. To be honest it would only end up in 20 seconds of filming if we say yes because thats all we need, and i know you want to give this a pro touch but i dont think a horse would do the trick. It would need to look perfect and awesome to even be accepted among zelda fans, because thats how picky we are. Thanks for the idea but unless we hire a truck and have HE*** on a full grown, right coloured horse galloping through blenheim its a no from me...

Also i think we would be able to tell the difference between becky and HE*** on a horse. Do i need to explain how?
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Hungry Hippo

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PostSubject: Re: Horse Training:   Horse Training: Icon_minitimeSat Feb 09, 2008 1:57 pm

All i am saying is: Why not at least try? this is what an edit suite is for. giving the bits that look shite but sound like a good idea in pre production a kicking. But thats all I am saying =]
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PostSubject: Re: Horse Training:   Horse Training: Icon_minitimeSat Feb 09, 2008 2:02 pm

I guess we could...

We all need to discuss this over a table.

Btw this topic should be in "movie ideas".
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Hungry Hippo

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PostSubject: Re: Horse Training:   Horse Training: Icon_minitimeSat Feb 09, 2008 2:35 pm

Ok. and TBH-You ought to rename this fourm bit Legend of zelda or somthing like that. or put it all into a sub forum Smile so all the LOZ film stuff is together.
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Posts : 163
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Location : In a fridge, and I could use some help getting out...

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PostSubject: Re: Horse Training:   Horse Training: Icon_minitimeSun Feb 10, 2008 6:49 am

Thats a point. Ill give it a go.

Only i i can be bothered at this moment...
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PostSubject: Re: Horse Training:   Horse Training: Icon_minitime

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