Wide-Eyed Productions
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Wide-Eyed Productions

Producers in video, music and film media
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Posts : 163
Join date : 2007-10-31
Location : In a fridge, and I could use some help getting out...

Rules Empty
PostSubject: Rules   Rules Icon_minitimeWed Oct 31, 2007 2:39 pm


1. Flaming: Obvious rule, just dont do it. Dont make us get off our fat lazy asses and do something about it xD

2. Spamming: this includes pointless and dumb messages, continuous use of smileys in one post, continuous posting meaning posting like nearly up to 30 messages a day, beleive me it gets annoying, so dont get too carried away.

3. Swearing: Swearing is allowed but only when neccasary, meaning the occasional swearword if your annoyed or shocked. dont swear as if its your daily language.

4. Double, triple posting: Theres an edit button for a reason, use it.

5. Avatars and Sigs: Keep them fairly small in size and nothing innopropriate. Otherwise me or Link will take them off, or give you a warning

Punishements: If you are punished this ussualy means a warning, if you continue then a one day ban, then a week, then a permanant ban.

follow these rules and you should be alright. Behave...
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